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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 153 ~ Muddy, Thirsty Women

I was at the (e)merge art fair at the Capital Skyline Hotel in Washington DC this past Saturday. One memorable art performance piece there was Thirst, and the Martyr - JJ McCracken.

At first, I walked up to a long table with ceramics strewn haphazardly over grassy mud, some - slightly filled with water. The table was flanked with water troughs on each side. As I stared closely underneath a veil covering the table, I realized two women laying underneath, muddy and laden with pots and gourds. As the piece begins the women slowly and laboriously rise under the weight of all the pottery. We, the audience realize they are tethered to each other, thirsty in a tug of war to reach the water, blindfolded and struggling against each other to reach the valuable water! 

Here are many shots - I was mesmerized by this piece:

(e)merge Art Fair, Washington DC

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